Here is what I found happening: I tried using __config to select my osc mode, set the microcontroller mode, and turn off the watchdog timer: __config ( _MC_MODE & _XT_OSC & _WDT_OFF) Upon examination of the hex file ONLY the osc bit was being written. Since my chip is a 17c43, what I saw was a single write to FE00 in the hex file. This is only ONE of the seven config locations. So I just added the required write operation to my initialization routine. -Brian- ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Clarification - one dangerous typo and ? about __config Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at smtp Date: 12/5/96 9:05 AM You wrote: >I wrote: > > >Now, On the 16C711, bit-7 is a code protect bit and if your programmer >programs it as a '0' the following nasties occur: > >You can erase it on "JW" parts, ever! > > >I should have written: > >"You can't erase it on "JW" parts, ever!" > >Thanks to Joe Dowlen for pointing out the typo. > >Jim Well that must be the problem on my PIC14000. I didn't have any problem programming the chip with my MOD-EMUP-A programmer and my home made adapter but, when I got my new PICSTART Plus programmer (V1.20) things started to go wrong. The PICSTART Plus programmer sometimes randomly programs the code protection bit! Why in the world would Microchip make the code protect bit permanent in a JW part? VERY BAD DESIGN! Now for my next problem. I have used the __config instruction in my assy. code as such: __CONFIG _FOSC_HS it seems to assemble correctly because in my asm file it shows: 2007 3FFE 00048 __CONFIG _FOSC_HS Yet, when the code is loaded into PICSTART Plus, the configuration byte is never changed. I have to do it manually and, I still don't trust it. So, I'm going back to my old way of programming. Not convenient but, it is reliable.