Well, thanks to those who have sent feedback - it is appreciated. Just a clarification, though. The user interface is not new for the PIC compiler, it's something we've used for quite a while, and it's at the end of its development life. So while comments on the user interface are not unappreciated, they're not really what I'm looking for. Comments on the code generation, usefulness for PIC programming, use of PIC features etc. are what is needed. There will be a Windows interface in the near future (probably Feb '97). This will be Win32 only - the DOS interface will still be available for DOS and Win3.1 users. Some more points; there is a command line driver called PICC.EXE - to get help, use 'picc -help'. Default output files are INHX8M and COD (you get both). INHX8M is the *only* Intel hex format supported. You can set MPLAB up to use PICC as another compiler. The resultant COD file will be loaded, and some source level debug is possible, but MPLAB does some weird things with it. Thanks again for the feedback. Cheers, Clyde -- Clyde Smith-Stubbs | HI-TECH Software, | Voice: +61 7 3354 2411 clyde@hitech.com.au | P.O. Box 103, Alderley, | Fax: +61 7 3354 2422 http://www.hitech.com.au | QLD, 4051, AUSTRALIA. | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Download a FREE beta version of our new ANSI C compiler for the PIC microcontroller! Point your WWW browser at http://www.hitech.com.au/