Because of the number of request from list members, I'm posting this to the list. External Hardware for I2C Start/Stop Detection (This diagram contains some special characters which only makes sense in DOS) VCC A * UAAoAA( * PRN * '74HCT74' SCL AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*D Q* * * * * * _* SDA AAAAAAAAAA oAAAAAAAAAAA*CLK QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA IICINT * * * CLRN* * * * AAAoAAU * * * * * * AAAAAAA( * * * * ANDAAAU * RESET AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAU * * * * '74HCT00' * * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA( * * * * * * * UAAoAA( * * * * PRN * * * AAAAAAAAAA*D QAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA STOP * * * * * * _* * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA*CLK Q* * * CLRN* * AAAoAAU * * * AAAAAAAAAU ___ ____ ____ ____ _____ SDA \_____/ .... \_____/ .... _____/ ______ __ _______ __ __________ SCL \____/ .... \____/ .... / ___ _________________ ________________________ IICINT \__/ \__/ ___ _____ STOP \__________________________________________/ ^ ^ ^ | | | +- Start +- Repeated +- Stop Condition Start Condition Condition Theory of operation i. Start condition detection - IICINT will exhibit a low pulse for length of around Thd:sta = 4.0us - this 4.0us low pulse is used to interrupt the microcontroller which within Thd:sta + Tlow = 8.7 us must be able to hold the SCL low to slow down the transfer rate. ii. As the SCL is held low by the slave, data transfer can proceed as dictated by the bit-banged slave. iii. Repeated start condition - This condition are used during Read/Write direction switch during the course of data transfer. - This generates another low pulse on IICINT as in (i) and should interrupt the bit-banged slave again, i.e. a "re-entrant" interrupt. - The "re-entrant" interrupt is the tricky bit, which with careful coding should be able to work. (Heck, it works with a 4-bit microcontroller!). iv. The STOP signal is used to detect when a transfer is taking place, so that a bit-banged master can roughly guess when it can jump on the bus. Can't implement a bit-banged master WITH arbitration yet. Anyway, as I know it the DURACELL's Smart Battery (SMBus @ I2C bus) implements the same method to get around bus arbitration. As I mention earlier I do not have a PIC implementation, so if anybody out there have successfully implement a bit-banged slave for the PIC, it would be a courtesy to share with others on the list. Regards, Peter Tiang Transmit frame _ [S][address][W](A)[Data](A).....[Data](A/A)[P] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---- Stop Condition | | | | +---- Acknowledge = '0' | | | +---- 8-bit Data (out) | | | _ | | +---- R/W = '0' | +---- 7-bit Slave address +---- Start Condition [ ] = Master drive ( ) = Slave drive Receive frame _ [S][address][R](A)(Data)[A].....(Data)[A][P] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +---- Stop Condition | | | | | | +---- Not Ack by Master = '1' | | | | | +---- Ack by Master = '0' | | | | +---- 8-bit Data (in) | | | +---- Ack by slave | | +---- R/W* = '1' | +---- 7-bit Slave address +---- Start Condition [ ] = Master drive ( ) = Slave drive Combo frame (Transfer with change in direction) _ [S][address][W](A)[Data](A).....[Data](A)[Sr][address][R](A)(Data)[A].....(Data) [A][P] ^ | +---- Repeated Start condition for ch ange in direction. [ ] = Master drive ( ) = Slave drive