Hi, I have a problem simulating the 17C42A processor with MPLAB. The symptoms are as follows: I am unable to get timer1, timer2 or timer3 to function correctly. I have Timer0 working fine and was able to generate interrupts from it. I am unable to see tmr1, tmr2 or tmr3l or tmr3h increment in the simulator either during animate mode, or by halting the simulation. I also tried generating interrupts off these timers and was unable to generate interrupts. While I am fairly new to the PIC family I have had experience with other micro-controllers and emulators. Any help either in pointing out a stupid mistake or confirming a bug in the simulator would be appreciated. Here is the test fragment of code I have been using: processor 17C42a #include "p17c42a.inc" org 0 ; Here at power on reset. Goto Reset org 8h ; Here for external interrupt on RA0 Retfie org 10h ; Here for TMR0 overflow interrupt Retfie org 18h ; Here for external interrupt on T0CKI Retfie org 20h ; Here for peripherals PEIF Nop Retfie Reset ;Here at power on reset. ; Test code starts here Movlb 2 Movlw h'80' Movwf PR1 Movwf PR2 Movwf PR3L Movwf PR3H Movlb 3 ;Setup timer 1, 2, 3 to increment from internal clock. Movlw b'00000000' Movwf TCON1 ;Set timer 1, 2 and 3 run flags. Movlw b'00000111' Movwf TCON2 Main Nop Goto Main end I would expect by running this program using the animate mode or halting simulation I would be able to see the timers clocking. This is certainly the behaviour I have with timer0. Thank you, Callum. ----------------------------------- Callum Jamieson ADInstruments P.O Box 6320, Dunedin, New Zealand Ph (03) 477 4646 Fax (03) 477 4346 -----------------------------------