Clyde Smith-Stubbs wrote: >Snip > Now a PLEA! It's been over 48 hours, some 250 people have downloaded > the compiler, and there's been almost no feedback! Even if you can't > find anything wrong (which seems unlikely) any comments will be appreciated. > > Cheers, Clyde >Snip (again) OK Clyde, I downloaded the Beta and I have to confess I quite liked it, My only gripes are that :- 1)... It aint a windows app. I am a dedicated windows programmer and not being easly able to cut and paste from my other sources and editors is a REAL pain. 2)... I have noticed that the 'C' output file is delimited with a non standard line delimeter. IE open it up with somthing like MEW and you just get one VERY long line of source with odd line delimiters. 3)... The output .AS(m) file won't compile under MPLAB (yes I know you have your own compiler) but as an ASM programmer it is a little frustrating not to be able to include some of the old stuff I have written with the output from your compiler. All this said it seems to be a very nice product and I will continue to persue my efforts with it (there is the inevitable learning curve to go through before I can make a more evaluted judgment of it) Keep up the fine work, I for one realy look forward to the next beta release. Peter ...... ================================== = New Ideas come from those who = = didn't know it wasn't possible = ==================================