At 10:25 AM 12/3/96 CST, you wrote: > Darryl, > > I have been using a UV eraseable PIC14000 in my project. At first it > took only about 5 minutes to erase the chip. After about 5 erasures > this time had increased to 10 minutes. Finally at about 20 > erase/program cycles the chip FAILED to erase. I have _never_ had this > problem with other EPROM devices. > > Maybe the guys at MicroChip would care to comment? > > > I don't know if it is meant to be common knowledge but I heard that microchip had unspecified difficulties with the 14000 that applied _only_ to the JW part. This was the explanation given to me as to why the supply of 14000 JW parts dried up for a time. Whatever it was, it is supposed to be fixed now. I'm only guessing but something to do with erasure would make sense (amongst other possibilities.) BTW. Darryl's problem with the 16C63 certainly sounds like a code protection one to me. Jim