I've same problems running PICMASTER with the PICMASTER CE! In the MPLAB all the tests to the probe 16J passed. I've selected XT oscillator (4MHz Crystal), internall 5V supply and placed the J6 jumper to connect resistor pull-up on the !MCLR pin. I made a small program for testing: LIST p=16C64,r=DEC EXPAND include "pic16c64.h" org ResetVector ; defined in .h file goto Main org IntVector retfie org 0x30 Main: bsf rp0 bcf porta,0 bcf rp0 MaiLoop: bsf porta,0 bcf porta,0 goto MaiLoop END I've compiled sucesseful the project and made a dowload to memory! I connected an oscilloscope to the socket pin 2 (used pin 12 as GND) and ... nothing worked! Does anyone know the reason? Thanks in advance, Cabral