Darryl, it sounds like you inadvertantly code protected the device. If this is the case, the part is destined for the dust bin. Rgds, Brian. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: UV Pic problem Author: Darryl Masters at Internet_Exchange Date: 12/3/96 3:12 PM Dear All I am currently developing a PIC16C63 application. I am using a UV erasable part in the development phase. My problem is that my device will no longer erase after only 3 erase cycles. All the data appears to be 0. - Could this be a result of leaving the device to 'cook' for too long in the eraser ? - Should I expect this from microchip devices ? As these devices are costing 25 pounds each, any ideas very welcome. I do have one other problem with this device. I am using the UART and am unable to clear the receive interrupt. I thought that reading the received data would clear the interrupt flag. In a test program I have the PIC connected to a terminal and on receiving a character from it it is echoed back. The receive works from an interrupt. After sending only one character it is continually echoed back to the terminal. I therefore assume that the interrupt is not getting cleared. Again any pointers gratefully taken. Thanks - Darryl