You asked: >I have a motor control circuit (H-Bridge) and its powered off 6 volts. >I am using a pic to control the motors, and my problem is that since I >am only supplying 5 volts and the control, the motors don't go their >full speed. How can I fix this. How about that .... finally a question I'm qualified to answer! Your problem statement is not entirely clear to me, so as I understand it: 1. you have a 6 volt motor, 2. you're driving it via an H-bridge off 5 volt Vcc 3. one side of the motor is biased at 2.5 volts (the mid point of one side of the bridge) 4. you are reversing the direction of the motor by pulling the other side of the bridge high or low with a PIC? Did I get that picture right? That being the case, the motor is running slow because it never sees more than half the 5 volts across the bridge.... that of couse, less the saturation drops of the bridged transistors conducting at the given time. If the transistors are in an emmiter follower config, then you have a fairly large drop across each of them! A complementary common emmiter topology for each leg of the bridge would be a lot better. You can also: a) Increase the supply voltage to the bridge, and add some level shifters between the PIC output and the output transistors to get more swing. b) with the configuration as a full bridge, control *both* sides of the bridge with the PIC: drive each side of the bridge in the opposite direction. That way you have full potential across the motor less the Vce drops.... not as good as having 6 volts, but a t least twice what you now have. Hope this helps, let me know how it goes. ... Gregg