Hi Piclist! I have looked on the web all around for PIC tools, specially for easy free compilers. Well some C-compilers are useable, but still there is no free PIC Basic compiler. The one written by James Cleverdon as student project is very buggy and not useful in the condition I have the sources, I have tried to fix the bugs but its seems to be too many. In the meantime I am making experiments with our tiny basic compiler which is today very very alfa, but already produces some useable code. I am wondering if there is anyone around who would be interested to test it in this early stage? currently supported features are Basic Stamp I syntax byte vars for next goto gosub + - and or xor /2 pause and some more tokens, eeprom, read/write now the good thing is that tokens are supplied in separete asm library file, those can be customized and that GOTO and GOSUB can call user asm routines. those it is possible to write subroutines in assembly This may sound as not too much, but the code generated works (with my test programs at least?) and it is possible to write small applications. A Christams Light sequencer would be possible defently. Below is a test program that compiles (107 words) and works, its pretty much all that works maybe! 'This is test program for BASCO ' 'some silly light effects ' symbol i = B0 symbol j = B1 symbol LEDS = PINS symbol const1 = 120 DIRS = 0 'ALL pins output! loop: 'single light moving up j = 1 for i = 0 to 7 LEDS = j pause const1 j=j+j next i 'and rolling back j=64 gosub roll_back 'bar climbing up j = 3 for i = 0 to 6 LEDS = j pause const1 j=j+j|1 next i 'and rolling back j=127 gosub roll_back eeprom ($0,$0F,$F0,$3C,$C3,$18,$3C,$7E,$FF,$E7,$C3,$81,$0) for i=0 to 12 read i,j LEDS = j pause const1 next i goto loop roll_back: for i = 0 to 6 LEDS = j pause const1 j=j/2 next i return '---end of program--- If somebody wants to use this compiler to build Christmas Lights or for some other tiny app then I will upload it for betatesting. antti -- Silicon Studio Ltd. -- http://www.sistudio.com