snip > its made of TIP120 and TIP125 transistors....4 for one motor and 4 for > the other....4 125 and 4 120's but not mixed....don't ask me why i did > it this way...:) Use two output pins on the pic, drive the low side transistors(NPN's)direct via 500 Ohms also use these pins to drive via 4k7 two NPN (bc337) emitter grounded the 337's are use to drive the bases on the opposite side of your high side drivers (PNP's) ONE PIN MUST DRIVE THE LOW SIDE AND THE OPPOSITE HIGH SIDE NOT THE SAME SIDE use 500 0hms from the colector 337 to base of highside and 2k7 from highside base to emitter two pins, 6 transistors, 8 resistors -- Peter Cousens email: snailmail: Peter Cousens, karteros, Heraklion, Crete, 75100, Greece, phone: + 3081 380534, +3081 324450 voice/fax After Bill Gates announced to the world that he was Microsoft, his wife was asked to comment. She said that as his wife, she had been the first to notice this problem