Flavio Rizzardi wrote: > To summarize, what I (desperately) need is a file that contains > a schematic drawing for a DIY PIC programmer that can program 16c54 > and 16c73, and the relative software. Unless you find it fun to build your own programmers (like I do) then save yourself a lot of hassle and buy one. If cost is the problem then you could take Antti's suggestion and look at Robin Abbott's (FED) design which is available in kit form - FED is UK based. Another low cost option is the COMPIC-5X programmer from Latvian company ORMIX Ltd. Despite your complaint about foreign shipping fees you might consider the inexpensive programmers from ITU technologies, Parallax and Newfound Electronics. All of these companies advertise on the Web and you can find links here: http://www.man.ac.uk/~mbhstdj/piclinks.html Now I've given you some sensible advice I'll answer your question about a DIY programmer. I designed my own about 9 months ago mainly for fun. My aim was to design a simple parallel port 16C5X/XX programmer that could be built by hobbyists and one that used no pre-programmed parts (to be honest this makes the design a little more complicated than it would be if I designed it around a PIC say). The schematic has been on the Web for the last 3 months: http://www.man.ac.uk/~mbhstdj/upp.html Up until now I have not made any software available to go with the design. The reason is that I just don't have the time to support potential constructors. I have had extremely bad experiences with putting designs on the net in the past. A couple of years ago I made a simple 16C84 programmer design available; it isn't a particularly good design but it works if you build it correctly. I really didn't expect people with zero experience to try to build it. Big mistake. I am still living with that mistake. The 5X/XX programmer design is more complicated than the simple 16C84 programmer and I really don't want beginners to waste their time trying to get it going. However, there doesn't seem much point in making the schematic available without providing the necessary software. The only thing that makes my design different from some of the other printer port designs available on the net (like Octavio Nogueira's/TATO computers ProPic design) is that it can program parallel-mode PICs. So, as a compromise I am going to release MS-DOS software for PIC16C54/55/56/57 programming in source form. An experienced hobbyist would be able to modify this for all the other PICs as it comes with a hex loader, parallel port macros and a set of microsecond resolution timing routines; these, along with Microchip's extensive and easy to obtain documentation, give you all you really need to program any 5X/XX PIC with my hardware. I will put this stuff on my WWW site this week. So start building if you really must make your own 16C5X programmer but remember my advice above. Apologies to the PICLIST professionals for the length of this article but I hope it might be of interest to the many hobbyists on the list. Cheers, David -- david.tait@man.ac.uk http://www.man.ac.uk/~mbhstdj