I AM A FATHER ______________________________________________________________ I am the father of a cute little girl, named mariam (after my mother) , she was born on November 25 1996 , 2:30 AM Qatari Time (45 Minutes ago !), and she weighs 2.850 kg, I hate not being able to see her or her mother .... I will be allowed to see them at 4:30 (2 hours after birth) Send congratulations to : Osama ALASSIRY osama@qatar.net.qa I AM HHHHHHAAAAAPPPPPPPPPYYYYY I WANT TO TELL THE WHOLE UNIVERSE SORRY FOR SHOUTING BUT I AM SO HAPPY! ______________________________________________________________ Name Osama ALASSIRY Snail Mail P.O. Box 7900 Doha-Qatar Web http://www.alassiry.com Homepage http://www.alassiry.com/osama Email osama@qatar.net.qa osama@alassiry.com