Hi Folks, I want to develop my own Programmer (Everybody else is doing it), but I want to do a couple of things differently. A big one is, I want to use a AC/DC Wall Adapter (aka "Wall Wart") for power and another PIC (probably a 16C54) to control and communicate with the host PC. Now to simplify it, I want to use the incoming DC (15V) as the Vpp reference. Now, when I started looking at controlling the Vpp, I wondered about the following circuit for Vpp: +12V ---------+ | < > 10K Current Limiting < Resistor > | 1401 PIC Output ----+-------------|>|-------- To Programmed Part _MCLR For Programming, the PIC Output Bit would be set to Input Mode (the corresponding TRIS Bit = 1). Otherwise (ie when the PIC is being pulled out of the socket), TRIS=Bit=0 to drop the line down low and isolated it using the diode. I don't think there will be any problems. According to the Programming Spec, a max of 200 uAmps is drawn through the _MCLR Bit (which would cause a 2 Volt Drop across the 10K Resistor) and there is a 0.7Volt drop through the 1401 diode. When the PIC pulls the Line down, there will only be 1.5 mAmp being sunk. If I start with 15 Volts, I will loose a max of 2 Volts through the 10K resistor and 0.7 Volts thru the diode. This leaves 12.3 Volts for programming (enough to trip the PIC into programming mode). Does anybody see any problems with this/reasons why I wouldn't want to program a PIC using this method? myke Today, the commercial sector is advancing computer and communication technology at a breakneck pace. In 1992, optical fiber was being installed within the continental U.S. at rates approaching the speed of sound (if computed as total miles of fiber divided by the number of seconds in the year). Aviation Week and Space Technology, October 28, 1996