I've used it (only two small 3x5 boards so far). It works well. Digi-Key sells the stuff for $15 for 5 8 1/2 x 11 sheets. You don't need to use the entire sheet ... you can feed the remnants of the sheet through the laser printer. I use larger pads and traces than my CAD package sets as a default, just to be on the safe side, but I've had excellent results by following the instructions to the letter. You DON"T iron the artwork onto the PCB. They recommend that you place the board on top of the artwork (artwork face up, board face down) and use the iron on the bottom side of the board. Larry >---------- >From: Matthew Mucker[SMTP:mmucker@AIRMAIL.NET] >Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 1996 1:10 PM >To: Multiple recipients of list PICLIST >Subject: PCB's-- revisited >(snip) >The article is on page 80 of the August/September 1992 issue (issue #28). >The article is by Jeff Bachiochi and is about a product called the Toner >Transfer System by DynaArt Designs. It is a paper that is specially coated >to allow easier direct-toner transfers of artwork to PCBs. The way it >works is that you print out your artwork and iron it on to the PCB, as in >other designs, but then, and this is the secret, you put the board, still >attached to the paper, in a tray of water. The water dissolves the >"special sauce" that lies between the toner and the paper. Like a decal, >the paper lifts off, leaving the toner on the board. >(snip) >