6 o'clock and 12 o'clock just means that the contrast is enhanced for off axis viewing from that direction!!!!!!! non-supertwist LCD displays don't have a very wide viewing angle. You can buy displays optimized for the angle of viewing that you are going to use. If you will always view your display head on, use 6 or 12 o'clock. If you will always be looking at your display from a slightly lower viewing position (like your wristwatch) then you want the 6 o'clock viewing angle. If you will always be looking at your display from a slightly higher viewing position (like a clock facing you on your desktop, then you want the 12 o'clock viewing angle. Just imagine if your VCR had a 6 o'clock viewing angle LCD. You would have to look at it head on or bend your head so it was below the display to see it clearly. With the 12 o'clock display you can still read it standing up away from it. Does this clear things up? Dave