Hey, gang. I'm not sure where this thread has lead since I'm still a week or so behind on my digests, but... The 16F84-04/P through DigiKey is $6.48 in singles and $4.31 in 100s, while the 16C62A-04/SP is $5.35 in singles and $3.56 in 100s. This indicates that the '62A is cheaper than the '84 (your mileage may vary), even though the former is in a skinney 28 rather than the 18 pin pkg. This is significant in that the '62A HAS one CCP module that you can capture the input waveform with WHILE you are bit-banging out the other end. You can use TMR0 for the baud-rate generator to interrupt you at the next bit time, and the CCP will interrupt you after the capture has occured. Checking two interrupt sources should not give too much of an erroneous bit time at 1200/2400 baud, and leaving TMR2 can be used for baud-rate generation using the period register for continuous constant-period bit-time interrupts. However, if you HAVE an '84 and you're just trying to use IT, then that is another story. If you're trying to do the most efficient job, though, I'd recommend the '62A. Norm LeMieux MCHIP FAE/NW