Hi, you wrote:- >The project that we are developing is a time control of a kart racing. >The first option was the use of transponders for Kart identification, >but the problem of more then one kart may pass through the finishing >line at the same time exists. I beleive this problem has already been solved in normal motor racing (F1 etc.), so perhaps you should ask in a motor-sport related list. I think it took them a long time to get right. >The other option was the use RF emiters in the kart's. >I appreciate that you send me your opinion to this problem, and we >are open to other sugestions. How about fitting an IR emitter to each Kart, pointing UPWARDS, possibly driven by a PIC, then have a pole across the track, maybe 10 feet above the ground, with multiple IR receivers on it. Transmit a unique frequency and/or code per Kart and decode the receivers using a laptop (or big PIC). Just a thought. All the best. Dave.