I recently bought an Optrex LCD 40x2 yellow backlight module from Digi-Key. Surprisingly when I finally connected it, the viewing angle was was weird. From the data book, the module I bought had a so called "6'oclock" viewing angle. Which means the best viewing angle would be if you place the module in the center of a giant clock face, pointing to the sky and you stood on the 6, looking in front of you at the module, with your head aligned with the surface of the module. (hope you got that) After re-checking Digi-key's selection, they had no 40x2 displays with a 12'oclock viewing angle, which I would think by my logic, be the most popular. Who would have a use for such a crazy viewing angle of 6'oclock? Am I missing something here. In most applications, one views an LCD from head on. Looking at my display head on, shows a very low contrast read-out. Playing with the contrast voltage doesn't improve things much. I would appreciate some advice, especially a distributor of backlit LCD modules with a wider selection as well as low prices in small quantity (~$50 for a 40x2 led backlit). Thanks Neil Gandler PS> What would also be helpfull is an LCD module with seperate LED connections. The above mentioned module has its LED GND connected to system ground. I would like to use my low side driver (DS75452) to control brightness, through my PIC PWM output.