Werner Terreblanche wrote: > > -- > Werner Terreblanche Tel +27 21 7102251 Fax +27 21 721278 > wterreb@plessey.co.za (work) OR werner@aztec.co.za (home) By all means patent the device if you can meet the criteria and cough up the 3 to 5 grand for the local pat. attorney.It's not that difficult and the patent makes a good marketing tool.But do not believe for a second that the patent will protect you from infringement no_way. The trick is to be the firstest with the mostest.Ride for all she's worth.And then if you've established a name you may draggle on despite the inevitable competition (stolen or not).Or take what you got and run like hell. Do'nt give it to the lawyers.(been there) Tony M.