In a message dated 96-11-13 10:16:09 EST, you write: >Patent implies disclosure, and is expensive, copyright can be >applied to the circuit design, the pcb layout, the code itself. >and best of all costs nothing. [This idea...(c) ray gardiner 1996] Copyright can only protect the single expression of an idea...not the idea. For example you can copyright a pcb layout but anyone can move the traces around, keeping the same electrical connections and will not violate your copyright. Patents protect ideas but are subject to the issues raised earlier on this list (i.e. you must have deep pockets to protect your patents, etc.). Also, having a patent does not give you ownership of the idea, only the right to go to court. And if you have a patent issued but years later someone proves prior art, etc. you have NOTHING but a big lawyers bill. Mark A. Corio Rochester MicroSystems, Inc. 200 Buell Road, Suite 9 Rochester, NY 14624 Tel: (716) 328-5850 --- Fax: (716) 328-1144 ***** Designing Electronics For Research & Industry *****