I know a lot of bright engineers hang out on the piclist, and I really need a bright engineer. Please send all flames to WB4ZUY@amsat.org or to war@palmnet.net. (Hey, we're using PICs in the Special Projects Laboratory.) My company needs to hire an engineer to work on the Operational Television project here at Kennedy Space Center. During the first phase, we need to produce a system to point video cameras at selected positions on the Shuttle during the early phases of flight via manual control. Later, the system will be modified to slave to range tracking data. This system will become part of the new launch processing system also being designed now. C, assembly language and some video background are desired. Video control, Vicon, 80x86, Vxworks experience a plus. Prefer 5 years experience, but will consider everything from fresh out of school to almost ready to retire. Please Email resumes to: war@nasa2.ksc.nasa.gov