Hi. Regarding the code protection issue, what about blowing some data lines, like RB6 and/or RB7? I'm using a pic for a particular product and I want to protect the pic against the various anti - codeprotection hacks like for example the picbuster devices. The code protection bit isn't enough, I want to 'blow' the data lines used to program/read the device. This way the code should be protected against those code hacking devices. I want to 'blow' RB6 and/or RB7. But my question is, how do you do it? What's the correct and the most safe way to do this, I don't want to blow the whole chip. :-) I think this is the best way to protect your code against those code-thieves. You will have one I/O less ofcourse but I can live with that. Anyone have experience with this topic? Are there any (diy) devices which can do this? Ok, any help is really appreciated. Thanks in advance. Regards, Dennis. ****************************************************************************** * -=[ Dennis Velthuis =- -= denv@htsa.hva.nl ]=- * * -=[ Raving His Way Into Tha Future :-) ]=- * * -=[ http://htsa.htsa.hva.nl/~denv ]=- * * -=[ U Have The Right to Exchange Information, So Use This Right! ]=- * **************************************************************************** **