Most of the multiplex LCD driver chips I've seen include a biasing network to produce 1/3, 2/3, and full bias which are then used to drive the display; the PIC 16C924 seems typical in that regard. On a 3-way multiplexed display, blank pixels receive 1/3 voltage all the time while dark pixels receive 1/3 voltage 2/3 of the time and full voltage the other 1/3. Is there any reason why this is done rather than using creative timing and standard CMOS outputs? Using a couple 74HC595s and some clever programming, I have driven a 4.5 digit display (multiplexed 3x12) and found the contrast to be quite good: excluding the time all pixels are off (PWM'ing for soft- ware control of contrast), dark pixels are on 3/4 of the time while blank pixels are on 1/4 of the time. Note that on a 5:1 multiplex, the best timing will dark pixels on just over 2/3 of the time (and light pixels just under 1/3). A 7:1 multiplex allows dark pixels just under 2/3 and light pixels just over 1/3. Note that the programming for higher multiplexes gets increasingly complex; 3:1 is not too hard, but 5:1 would be a pain and 7:1 would be a monster. Don't even think about 9:1 or 11:1.....