Hi everyone, I would like to make a suggestion. A lot of people use the piclist to get information on suppliers for one or another PIC related product or service. If you are only looking for local supplies then state this. It then makes sense to include where you are from. It is useless for people like me in Africa giving a person in the USA for example, the name of one of our local suppliers or visa versa (Unless it is something very specialized). Chances are it will be more easily available & cheaper to get it locally. If people know you are from abroad looking for a local supply they won't waste your time & theirs with a reply. I also like to see a world location out of pure interest. It's always good to know about who you are talking to. Maybe I am just nosy... :-) Thanks everyone for all the help in the past. Cheers Dennis ____________________________________________________ FROST - Electronic Design, Manufacture & Consulting. Dennis Frost Tel: +27 331 965125 Cel: +83 2275216 Email: dennis.frost@pixie.co.za Pietermaritzburg, South Africa ____________________________________________________