Actually I didn't suggest that the list forward to the newsgroup and vice versa as Salvador suggests. I'd rather see the newsgroup be independent and the PICList be independent as well. The issue is that it takes different skills to deal with mail traffic versus newsgroup traffic, further newsgroups automatically expire messages whereas most people, thinking they will get back to them, leave their mailing list messages in their mailboxes somewhere. The second issue is that the newsgroup will generate a lot of "What's a PIC" kind of questions that are really annoying on PIClist but well suited to a newsgroup. So to reiterate my solution: Someone (not me, I've not got the time) start the newsgroup process by sending out a call for votes. (you may also want to simultaneously create an alt.pic group) after the mandatory voting, get the group established. Then those on this list can go read that newsgroup, if they choose, and see if they want to "hang out" there. --Chuck ---------- From: Gerhard Fiedler[SMTP:geraldo@NW.COM.BR] Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 1996 3:16 AM To: Multiple recipients of list PICLIST Subject: Re: PICList conversion - not, PICList peer - pe At 15:10 04/11/96 +0300, Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) wrote: > I'm susbcripted to another list where the list is the BOTH things AT THE SAME >TIME, if you want news ... you can use news, but if you DON'T have news, you >can use the mail list, each mail sent to the list appears in the news and each >new in the news go to the mailing list!! Let's see if this gets some consideration...