Sensory Circuits have what you want I expect, it allows you to do voice record and playback! There is also software from Adavanced Recogbition Technologies that will allow you to do similar on the mirco itslef. Both products will also do voice recognition, although the accuracy is not up to much! Stick with the record/playback features only. If you need Voice Recognition, and have the processing power available, talk to a division of Motorolla called Lexicus. regards, Scott. ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Subject: Re: Looking for a "Talking Calculator" chip....... Author: pic microcontroller discussion list at INTERNET Date: 05/11/96 10:29 On Wed, 30 Oct 1996, Safrit, John wrote: > Hi all, > I'm working on a project that needs to announce numeric digits. > I've seen the "talking calculators" at Radio Shack and wonder if there > is a chip available that does exactly what I need. I know there are > "voice recording" chips, but all I need are digits, so I think there > may be a cheaper and easier solution. If you know of a source, please > let me know. > > John Safrit > Test Engineer > Hi at all. Excuseme for my english . I have a "Talking Calculator" and when I opened it , I see inside not a real IC , like you can buy but a circuit directly integrated on the pcb that contain all function , memory, CPU, power state , etc. so I think that' s not very simple to find a dedicate IC for what you want do to . However i remember i saw on a electronic magazine a speech IC that just contain fonetic symbol digitalization , so you can select series of this fonetic digitalization to compose what you want that IC says. I don't remember esactly the name of chip now , i think "SPC-XXXXX" but i'm not sure , but if i will find the magazine i send you the correct name . bye ...FRANCESCO LO CONTE