Shawn Ellis wrote: > things don't really point to the 20 Khz since I already tried an > independent update pulse coming from a counter in a computer > sitting on my desk and the results were EXACTLY the same. I also > tried three different 20 Mhz crystals in the PIC prduceing the 20 > Khz, with no change... So I can only assume this frequency is > correct. Shawn: Is there a chance that you're not really sending exactly the number of DAC values that you think you are? Maybe you're "doubling-up" on one of your lookup-table values? You can check this by replacing all the sine values in your lookup table with alternating full-scale (FF or whatever) and zero-scale (00) numbers, then look at the resulting output square wave and see if any double-wide pulses or gaps are generated. -Andy Andrew Warren - Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California