______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Subject: Re: serial port on 16c74 Author: Stan D'Souza at MCHIP_AZ Date: 10/29/96 10:44 AM Some detail in the data book .... The OERR bit is cleared by writing a 0 to CREN. However the reception will not start (once again) until CREN = 1. I didn't see any conflict in the data sheet. In the RCSTA section yes it states that OERR can be cleared by clearing CREN, which is true, but if you don't want to enable your reveiver anymore, then CREN can be made equal to 0 and left there till you want to enable the receiver. Then at that time you would make CREN = 1. Framing error will not be cleared until a correctly framed byte is received. Framing error is always associated with the byte received. When you read the last byte, the location from which you read does not reset or clear until a new byte overwrites it through the serial receiver. -Stan. ______________________________ Forward Header __________________________________ Subject: serial port on 16c74 Author: TONY NIXON 54964 at Internet_Exchange Date: 10/29/96 12:09 PM If an over run error occurs on the 16c74 in asynchronous mode then RCSTA,OERR will be set = 1. FERR will be set = 1 for a framing error. The data sheet seems to have a conflict in clearing these bits. On the page describing RCSTA it states, to clear OERR, you must CLEAR CREN. On the page describing the asynchronous receiver, you must SET the CREN bit. Which is true? I would imagine to SET this bit, otherwise the continuous receive is disabled. If I clear the overrun error by setting/clearing the CREN bit, does this also clear a framing error. Thanks for any help Tony Just when I thought I knew it all, I learned that I didn't.