I don't know which PIC you intend using and if you know anything about ANN (Artificial Neural Networks). PIC: Rather have one which has a multiply command(for ANN). ANN : try the following sites: http://www-isis.ecs.soton.ac.uk/research/nfinfo/webSites.html An Introduction to Neural Networks course by Krose and Smagt. http://www.fwi.uva.nl/research/neuro/courses/neural/ the last is a book (published on the web and downloadable in postscript format) VERY good.... I'd suggest a self organizing map (i think chapter 7) Enjoy... Regards Danny. ------------- Original Text From TONY NIXON 54964 , on 10/25/96 10:16 AM: Has anybody got any information about algorithms that can 'learn' about the environment that they control. In other words optimise the variables that control the algorithm for a given function. Any leads on books, web sites, etc would be appreciated. Tony Just when I thought I knew it all, I learned that I didn't. -- __\/__ / ^ ^ \ (\| (o)(o) |/) ------------------------oOOOo--oo--oOOOo---------------------------- | Danny Stemmet | | Internet: | | c/o Spoornet | | DannyS@tnet.co.za | | R & D Signals | | ds@Tweety.rau.ac.za | | 122 Eloff Street | | Telephone: | | Johannesburg, SA | | (27-11) 773-3241 | -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Diplomacy - the art of letting someone have your way... | -----------------------------------Oooo.---------------------------- .oooO ( ) ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_) _