Hi All, Does anyone know wher I can find informations about the Linear Technology AD converter LT1298? It's used in PicStick. Talking about PicStick, the new ProPic programmer v2.4 can read and write the PicStick. Cheers, Octavio -- ======================================================== Octavio Nogueira e-mail: nogueira@mandic.com.br homepage: http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tato voice/fax: +55 11 240-6474 ======================================================== "ProPic" The first Production PIC Programmer running in Windows and under US$ 20.00. Avaible at http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/tato - To subscribe -or- unsubscribe send e-mail to majordomo@parallaxinc.com and - put SUBSCRIBE pics -or- UNSUBSCRIBE pics in the body of the message