>Subject: Advice on initial install of MPLAB, MPLAB-C, & PICSTART+ >Author: Dana Raymond at Internet_Exchange >Date: 10/18/96 2:28 PM > > >Hi gang. > >I've just received the PICSTART+ and MPLAB-C kits, and having noticed >many comments on compatibility problems between these modules here, >I'd like to ask a few questions, if I may. > >I'm running WIN95 and have disks for MPLAB V3.09.03 and V3.01, >MPLAB-C V1.10, & PICSTART+ V1.01. > >Should I upgrade to later verions of the above before installing? I'm >assuming that MPLAB V3.09.03 is later than V3.01. > >Does MPLAB include the simulator, or do I need to download MPSIM? > >Any comments, caveats, etc? ______________________________ Reply Separator _________________________________ Dana, You don't need to install the older software first. I'd recommend getting the latest software off the web page or BBS. v3.09.03 is better than v3.01, but 3.10.04 has some improvements. Since version 3.00 of MPLAB, MPLAB-SIM is a standard component of MPLAB, along with MPASM. Darrel