> Have any of you received a Warning [224] for the 16C84 when using a TRIS > command?? > I have successfully assembled an file for the 16C54 w/ no warnings or > errors, but if I > change the assembler directives for a 16C84 the following warning is > found whenever > a TRIS is used. > > Warning[224]: Use of this instruction is not recommended. Microchip does not recommend the use of the TRIS or option instructions because of the possibility that future CPU's may not support such a thing. I am aware of no actual plans to discontinue support for these instructions and would hope that any future CPU's would allow setting the TRIS registers without the annoying bank-switching that's required to do it the "right" way [for example, it would probably be fairly easy to design a CPU so that another page-zero address would decode to the upper I/O. For example, if the PIC16C84 were modified so that addresses $80-$8F were mapped to $70-$7F (and maybe, in consequence, $F0-FF as well) then TRIS PORTB could be simply assembled as "MOVWF $76". Personally, I find "TRIS PORTB" to be much clearer and more reasonable than "BSF RPO / MOVWF PORTB / BCF RP0" which is what is otherwise required.