I am very sorry that you have to click the delete key so many times to read your mail. I, however, feel that even though some subjects go a bit off topic, I get useful information out of some. I have picked up MANY good ideas for my PIC based products from these far-out discussions. I vote to keep it the way it is. But I spend most of my time lurking as there are many who are better at the PIC than I so I defer to them. Unfortunately, sometimes, requests to keep the list as pure as possible generate just as mail as the bit off topic discussions. - -Mark >>> Tjaart van der Walt 13 October 1996 1:09 pm >>> Could everybody try to cut back on non-PIC related subjects? (DTMF chips, zero ohm resistors etc?) It produces masses of non-PIC stuff that one has to scan through in order to get to the real thing. I appreciate that it may have some distant relation to this discussion group, but please move somewhere else. Many Thanks Tjaart