Hi here SET from Argentina: Sorry if this is allready answered but the mails come here with some delay: >Hello, >I was trying to use PORTA<4> as output pin but did not have any >luck. Even if I use something like that: > BSF PORTA,4 >LOOP: GOTO LOOP >I do not see any positive voltage on output pin. >Could it be related to the fact that RA4 is a schmit trigger ??? Alex: PORTA,4 is open collector, put a pull-up resistor suitable for your case (20K is the value used by Mchip as weak pull-up in port B INs (not outs) that's more than enough to get it working, but if you plan to handle a transistor you will need a lower resistor). bye SET ******************************************************************************** Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) - salvador@inti.edu.ar Work: INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) Sector: ICE (Electronic Control & Instrumentation) Post (Home): Curapaligue 2124 - Caseros (1678)- Buenos Aires - Argentina