>On a related note: what is the maximum voltage on RA4 when VDD is at zero >volts? Is there any "safe" current level [e.g. if I were to connect RA4 >to +5 through a 1M resistor while VDD was at zero, would that be safe? >What if it were a 10K resistor? What if it were a Zerohm(tm) "resistor"?] The trouble with power being applied to any pin while Vdd is zero, is that the device can still remain in a powered up state. Current flows into the IO pin, through the protection diode, and back to the chip's internal Vdd rail. Therefor a 10K resistor would provide 440uA of current which is more than enough to power a PIC on LP mode. As the chip may not power down correctly because of this current flow, it may not start up reliably as well. Tony Just when I thought I knew it all, I learned that I didn't.