> From: TiWilliams@cajunnet.com > Is there any code or can it be done? Can you get touch tone phone codes from a > 16c84? > If so can someone point me in the right direction? > Thanks Tim Williams > This thread was covered ad nauseam some time ago. Try my code posted at ftp://ftp.ormix.riga.lv/mchip/sources/dtmf_dec.zip ftp://ftp.ormix.riga.lv/mchip/sources/dtmf_cod.zip if it still exists. If it doesn't, then mail me direct and I'll send you a copy. dtmf_cod (generating DTMF) works, but dtmf_dec (decoding) would require a little work to make it robust, and it also assumes an external ADC. Regards, SJH Canberra, Australia