=== === === PLEASE SEND COMMENTS/QUESTIONS ABOUT THE === === PICLIST FUND TO ME IN -PRIVATE- EMAIL. === === === Andy Errington wrote: > I can't help thinking why Microchip do not fund the mailing list. > .... > Microchip, if you are there, give Jory some cash for a pint, and pay > him to set up a commercial mailing list for you (assuming he wants > to). Other Andy: The number-one rule for the PICLIST Fund is that donations are COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY. This can't be stressed enough. Please don't publicly exhort specific individuals or corporations to donate; if you feel strongly that they should contribute to the Fund, it'd be best to contact them privately. Thanks. -Andy (not the other one) Andrew Warren - fastfwd@ix.netcom.com Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/2499