Hi, I'm another guy just starting out on PICs and I have some questions (and problems). I'm using the PICSTART16B1 programmer and the 16C84 chip. 1. The Picstart User's Guide doesn't seem to cover what the MPS16B1.exe puts on the screen. The manual refers to "fuse edit", the program (the version I have anyway) refers to "configuration bits". I assume these are the same - are they? And what is the "ID Edit" used for (it seems redundant with the configuration bits)? 2. When I program a 16C84, using the Picstart16B1 programmer, the end of the program sequence pops up two screens - one labeled "Error" and one labeled "ID Error". The third column in both of these is labeled "bad" and contains only zeros. Is this the end of a error free program cycle? 3. If I try the "Verify", or the "Verify Config. Bits Only", or the "Program Config. Bits Only", I get a Configuration Bits Error screen which shows settings different than those checked in the "Configuration Bits" window in the set-up prior to programming. What am I doing wrong? I'm looking forward to migrating to the PIC for my hobby robotics projects - HELP! Thanks, John-