SendTo: Hi again! I want to correct and expand my last message about DTMF chips. DTMF transmiters/generators Samsung KT3170 (equ Mittel 8870) Toshiba TC35218, TC35219 - 18 pin, 4 bit, 2.0-5.5V ( I think Toshiba has serial versions too, but I don't have any part number) NS TP5088 - 14 pin, 4 bit, 3-12V NS TP5089 - 16 pin, Row*Col, 3-12V DTMF receivers Mittel 8880 Motorola MC145436 Toshiba TC35300, TC35301, 18 pin, 4 bit or 2 of 8, 5 V TC35304, TC35305, 14 pin, 4 bit, 5V ( I think Toshiba has serial versions too, but I don't have any part number) Take a look at There is a DTMF FAQ covering all about DTMF, including various chips. Hey, why not use a software solution? Some time ago was a thread about this. I recall there acctually is code (16C65?) available for DTMF generation/reception. Good luck! P.S. sorry for such a mess... mauricio