Andrew, Jory, and List; I will be glade to donate for the list and any trips Jory wants to take, I find the list VERY VALUABLE....but, the direction seems a little soft. How about setting up a commercial account on one of the local commercial servers. Most of these will provide a e-mail, web page, and required storage. This would take a lot of the load off Jory, be transferable if Jory decides to retire, etc. Jory, acting as the list SA, should be paid some amount or give extra privileges to compensate for his time. I would imagine this would run in the $50- 100/month range. Companies, such as Microchip, could donate to this service if they like, but they get no control of any sort in doing so. With a thousand users you are talking about a couple buck a year each, and the list has no obligations to anyone. i.e. it could switch servers if their is any problems. By taking donated money and buying hardware you will eventually end up in some sort of a "disagreement" when changes need to be made. Try to make it a hands off type operation that can be easily passed on to others. I know in the DC area you can get your own web page, couple meg of storage, internet connection and e-mail for $15 - 25 month. I can check here in the Boulder area, but I'm not much of a SA, so it would be best to find something in Jory's or Andrew's area. This is a suggestion and I will be glade to donate on what ever the final solution is. You guys are doing great, Steve --- On Wed, 25 Sep 1996 23:40:01 -0800 Andrew Warren wrote: >Dudes: > >As many of you know, the PICLIST was started in early 1994 by Jory >Bell, who's been operating, maintaining, and (occasionally) >moderating it since then. If you subscribe to other internet mailing >lists, you know that this one is particularly well-run; Jory's >managed to make the list a truly valuable resource for all of us, and >we all owe him a huge debt of gratitude. > >snip........................ > >I've tried to think of everything here, especially in the area of >assuring everyone that the PICLIST Fund will be managed honestly and >responsibly, but if you think I've omitted anything or if you have >any other suggestions, please feel free to tell me in private e-mail. > >Remember: Donations are COMPLETELY VOLUNTARY. > >-Andy > >Andrew Warren - >Fast Forward Engineering, Vista, California > > -----------------End of Original Message----------------- ------------------------------------- E-mail: Steven Davidson Dept. of Comm. NTIA-ITS.N2 325 Broadway Boulder, CO 80303 W 303-497-3411 FAX 5995 -------------------------------------