> Okay folks, this programmer works well under DOS and Win95 > etc. But can = it work under Windows NT through the printer > port? Methinks it might. = Has anybody done this yet? NT 4 > is excellent for software development, = and I like the idea > of using the programmer under NT at the same time as > = downloading PIC files off the net, and using my buggy > Borland C++ 5. It's not possible to read/write hardware ports under NT directly! The only way - to write special virtual driver. If you have Microsoft Development Network (MSDN) Level 3 you can see DDK and examples for writing drivers. And the second big problem (problem under all multitasking system) - how to do timedelays ? The best way is to have hardware programmer (using its own CPU) attached to the COM port... :-) --------------------------- Best Wishes, Alex Torres. Kharkov, Ukraine, exUSSR. E-Mail To : altor@cook.kharkov.ua via InterNet or 2:461/28 via FidoNet ----- GoldED 2.50.A0531+ * Semi-Production-Quality Programmer * for 16Cxx,24xx,93xx - OK. * 14000 - implemented but not tested. * only $40 ! * no extranal power, MsDos & Windows Software.