REposting due to ComPU Slurve bounced the 1st attempt-- Warning!! The following may result in unintended involuntary release of constricted corporal colons! PI>Many of the folks I have written microcode with like to eat catfish, but it PI>must be properly prepared. Here's how I like it. I found a far simpler method. UKajun style Prepare fresh catfish and remove shells of MudBugz. Store in UK-made LUCAS refrigerator. (Normal cycling will cook and blacken contents)--a 'Kitchen Convenience' Use PIC as "KaFraatz Monitor" to indicate mealtime. Note: Beer can be 'Pub-conditioned' same way as simultaneous parallel process Recommended soundtrack is BuckWheat Zydeco "Hoo LAWWWD! Dem is much mo' better fo' ussins den dem vizzytors. Lock dat door...We gonna eat all dis ourselves!"