Many of the folks I have written microcode with like to eat catfish, but it must be properly prepared. Here's how I like it. Take one good sized catfish and clean and skin it. Drag it through some cornmeal that you have seasoned with red pepper, black pepper, and a very small amount of cumin, until it is evenly coated. Fry it in a heavy skillet, with about 1/4 " of corn oil, heated to about 360 degrees farenheit, until it is browned and good and cruchy all over. Drain the fat on some old listing, and serve with sliced tomatoes and extremly cold (30 degrees F) beer. Folks in the UK can try this with warmer beer (50-60 degrees F), and whatever kind of local bottom-feeding freshwater fish you can buy, catch, or steal. Residents of Venus can fry a geezildwang (if they can catch one) with plenty of evaporating sulfur. Jovian citizens can pressure cook a firzwapper by lowering it deeper into the atmosphere. Gaseous ammonia is the appropriate complement for a pressure-cooked firzwapper. Sorry, because of new government regulations I can no longer export corn meal to Jupiter, it was being used for illicit purposes there. A similar substance can be found in deep craters on Titan. Note that PICs can be used to control the temperature of the beer cooler, fry skillet, evaporating sulfur, and gaseous ammonia. The implementation of these devices is left as an exercise to the reader. Note that only the mil-spec rated PICs should be used for non-terrestrial applications. Jeff Otterson ------------- Maker and user of tools PGP key available at