Andrew Warren wrote: > > Scott Dattalo wrote: > > > > 231 is a perfect number both on Mars and Venus, even though > > > Venusians don't have the same number of fingers as Martians. How > > > many fingers do Venusians have? > > "as many as they want". > > Nope. When represented in other number systems, 496 is NOT "231". > The question specifically states that "231", in both the Venusians' > AND the Martians' numbering system, is a perfect number. Gotcha. The answer is still, it depends. It depends on where you look on Venus. The majority of places are populated with 31 fingered Venusians. However there is a sub-species of 63 fingered ones and rarer mutations of 127 and 255 ones. There use to be other species but they have long been extinct, since the superfluous fingers hindered their survival. There is some evidence that long ago there was a species with ((2^1257787) -1)*(2^1257786) fingers, but I'm not sure. Scott