Hi everybody: I'm a little confused with the IIC and SPI support of the PICs: a) One of the application notes talk about SOFTWARE Master IIC but says that SLAVE isn't so easy, is that true? b) Another talks about HARDWARE Multi-Master IIC, but seems that this is only possible with 16C62 or greater or 16C73 or greater but not with a 18 pins PIC. So if I want to use a PIC like an slave peripheric: How can I do?, I must use a great PIC?. For example: a 16C84 is great chip for a password keyboard because you can reprogram the passwords from the keyboard and save these pass. in the internal EEPROM, but in my case I want to use the 16C84 like a peripheric and run the true application in another PIC. Another question: What's the price of the 16C62A and 16C73 JW and OTP versions? Anybody knows a source for these chips that can ship the chips to South America at rasonable price? Tanks in Advance, and sorry for my english. SET. ******************************************************************************** Salvador Eduardo Tropea (SET) - salvador@inti.edu.ar Work: INTI (National Institute of Industrial Technology) Sector: ICE (Electronic Control & Instrumentation) Post (Home): Curapaligue 2124 - Caseros (1678)- Buenos Aires - Argentina