At 03:16 PM 9/11/96 BST, you wrote: >Hi Jim > thanks for replying to my query. I am/was actually in the middle >of building a board to program the 16C84 when a friend came up with the >16C programmer. From what you and others say, it seems I am right to keep >on building... > >Does your upgrading of the 16B programmer include upgrading the on-board >firmware? Do you happen to know if Microchip allow reading of the firmware on > the >16B/C programmer boards. > (?) > > Best regards > jon N > Jon, Yes, keep on building. My upgrade for the PS 16B does involve new firmware call "phoenix." New firmware is required to properly manage all the features of all the devices. This is especially true with the PIC14000 and the PIC12Cxxx devices. I have need actually tried to read the old firmware myself so I don't know if it is code protected. Hang on a second, I'll try it now...... Bummer! it is code protected so I guess the answer is no. For V1.7 at least. Oh well, good luck with the 16C84 programmer anyway. Regards, Jim