At 11:21 PM 9/4/96 -0400, you wrote: >I've been trying to convince NASA here to use PICs, and it looks like I've got >my chance. We need a very low power drain system that basically runs several >very long duration count down timers and can display three lines of data. I >seem to remember a discussion of LCD's not too long ago. Does anyone have >a PIC board with an attached LCD? Three lines of 12 characters would do it. > >Can anyone pass along information on the power draw of any LCD displays? >Any pointers to web sites? Swing by my company's web site at We've got a PIC-based board with a direct 14 pin connection to most popular LCD modules. Supplied driver routine takes care of the details... Todd Peterson, Computer Engineer ( E-LAB Digital Engineering, Inc. 1932 Hwy. 20 P.O. Box 246 Lawton, IA 51030-0246 (712) 944-5344 Visit us at: