On Wed, 11 Sep 1996, Jimmie Curry wrote: > I find myself coming to the well. Please help if you can! > > I have created a new design using the PIC17LC44-08I/L. > Vcc is 3.0 Volts. > Oscillator mode is XT. > Processor Mode is Microcontroller Mode. > WDT is disabled. > > I have used Osc design as pictured in DS30412A Page 2-922. > C1 = 18pF > C2 = 18pF > XTAL = Epson MA-506 at 4.9152 MHz. (AT cut) > Note1 Resistor: I have tried values ranging from 0 Ohm to 3K Ohm without > much success. > > Problem is excessive startup time, if it will run at all. Power on time is > not an issue. Wakeup from sleep mode is critical! > Jim, I've had similar trouble while working at low-ish supplies. I found that a separate power-on reset is required. The Maxim series are quite good. This will give a known power-on delay and they're usually quite repeatable. Failing that you may want to use the WDT to give you some brown-out protection. Hope it helps. Rich Department of Applied Physics, University of Hull, HU6 7RX Tel 01482 465135 Fax 01482 465606 // E-mail R.J.Smith@apphys.hull.ac.uk