> >My query: does anyone have information as to whether I could hack >the Picstart programmer, and/or write my own software to drive it, >in order to program the 16C84? I'm very comfortable with C etc., and capable >of doing the work, but don't want to try to work out the serial protocol >of the programmer if I find out that it's not possible for some reason. >If making some sort of HW adapter board for the PIC is needed, that's >no problem either. > > thanks for any info > regards > jon Nicoll > Jon, You under-estimate how different the 16C84 is programming wise to the other 16Cxx parts. It is extremely doubtful the PS 16C can be used to program a 16C84 regardless of what new driver you write for it. This is because the timing and required command set are generated by the onboard firmware, not the software driver. It is doubtful the 16C84 algorithm is present in the PS 16C. There are however, many low cost solutions for programming the 16C84 and no doubt you will receive further pointers on this. I am currently working on a project to upgrade the PS 16B to do all the devices not currently covered by it. This includes the 40-pin and 28-pin 16Cxx parts, the PIC14000 and the PIC12Cxxx parts, but, unfortunately for you, this is no help. Regards Jim